Cultivo is a climate focused fintech building nature-based portfolios with strong social and environmental safeguards. By connecting investors with the right projects, Cultivo is boosting robust nature-based solutions that can address climate change in three different ways: (i) decreasing GHG emissions related to deforestation and land use, (ii) capturing and storing CO2, and (iii) enhance resilience of ecosystems (ICUN, 2022).
USA & Mexico
Why we invested
With more than 15 million hectares of worldwide grasslands, forests, mangroves under its management, and tens of thousands of credits already sold, Cultivo is setting a new rumbo for carbon credits. We at Rumbo are proud to be supporting Latin-American talent transforming climate entrepreneurship, and Cultivo’s CEO, Manuel Piñuela is a textbook example of the “hows” and “whys” of our investment thesis. Piñuela, backed by a team of scientists, operators, financiers and a strong supporting ecosystem of partners, is already revolutionizing carbon credits and nature-based portfolios through science, data, transparency and trust, allowing for true impact to happen.